C Appendix C

C.1 The Tarot of Things Deck

Cards for the Tarot of Things were created by simplifying descriptions of standard tarot cards as keywords and equating/curating them to a close approximation of IoT. Meaning Associations were assigned in accordance to traditional tarot methods for both upright and inverted configurations of cards. Keyword associations utilised throughout were extracted from Labyrinthos Academy’s online reference sheet105. The total list of cards in the Tarot of Things deck are presented below as 23 Major Arcana cards and 14 cards each in suites of Cables, Chips, Clouds, and Sensors, making 79 cards in total.

The Tarot of Things can be experienced online along with a complete list of cards for download from:

Table C.1: List of cards and keyword associations in Major Arcana for Tarot of Things.
Card Name Keyword(s) Upright Keyword(s) Inverted
The User Innocence, Wonder, Foolishness Taken Advantage, Recklessness
The Program Structure, Authority Chaos, Domination
The Network Nurturing Excess
The Operating System Legacy Servitude
The Programmer Creation, Adaption Cunning, Deception
Data Playfulness, Addiction Restoring Control
The Connection Conviction Doubt
Assistant Wisdom, Unconscious Repression, Secrets, Hidden Agendas
Logic Choices Indecision
Idle Insight Isolation
Time Patience Excess
Cables Discipline Loss of Direction
Disconnection Release Stalling
Termination Change, Metamorphosis Stagnation, Decay
Gateway Courage Reckoning
The Hacker Disaster Disaster Avoided
The Server Pleasure Negativity
Deep Learning Intuition, Wisdom Secrets
Node Rejuvenation Insecurity
Logs Illusions, Unclarity Misinterpretation
Loop Fate, Karma Lack of Control
Thing Reflection Doubt
The Constellation Harmony Incompletion
Table C.2: List of cards and keyword associations in Suite of Chips for Tarot of Things.
Card Name Keyword(s) Upright Keyword(s) Inverted
Ace of Chips Inspiration Boredom
Two of Chips Making Decision Bad Planning
Three of Chips Expansion Delays
Four of Chips Community Transience
Five of Chips Conflict Avoiding Conflict
Six of Chips Success Lack of Recognition
Seven of Chips Perseverance Overwhelmed
Eight of Chips Movement Panic
Nine of Chips Resilience Fatigue
Ten of Chips Responsibility Stressed
Assistant of Chips Exploration Procrastination
User of Chips Adventure Recklessness
Network of Chips Determination Jealousy
Programmer of Chips Big Picture Impulsive
Table C.3: List of cards and keyword associations in Suite of Clouds for Tarot of Things.
Card Name Keyword(s) Upright Keyword(s) Inverted
Ace of Clouds Discipline Manipulative
Two of Clouds Adaption Disorganized, Overwhelmed
Three of Clouds Teamwork, Collaboration Disorganized, Group Conflict
Four of Clouds Conversation, Frugality Greediness, Possessiveness
Five of Clouds Need, Insecurity Insecurity
Six of Clouds Sharing Power, Domination
Seven of Clouds Perseverance Lack of Purpose
Eight of Clouds High Standards Uninspired
Nine of Clouds Rewards Obsession
Ten of Clouds Culmination Lack of Resources
Assistant of Clouds Diligence Laziness
User of Clouds Efficiency Obsessiveness
Network of Clouds Practicality, Security Self-Centeredness
Programmer of Clouds Abundance Excess
Table C.4: List of cards and keyword associations in Suite of Sensors for Tarot of Things.
Card Name Keyword(s) Upright Keyword(s) Inverted
Ace of Sensors Intuition Emptiness
Two of Sensors Connection Broken Communication
Three of Sensors Community Overindulgence
Four of Sensors Apathy Awareness
Five of Sensors Disappointment Acceptance
Six of Sensors Memories Independence
Seven of Sensors Daydreaming Lack of Purpose
Eight of Sensors Disillusionment Avoidance
Nine of Sensors Satisfaction Dissatisfaction
Ten of Sensors Fulfilment Broken
Assistant of Sensors Sensitivity Insecurity
User of Sensors Idealistic Fantasy
Network of Sensors Calm Dependence
Programmer of Sensors Balance Coldness
Table C.5: List of cards and keyword associations in Suite of Cables for Tarot of Things.
Card Name Keyword(s) Upright Keyword(s) Inverted
Ace of Cables Clarity Chaos
Two of Cables Stalemate Indecision
Three of Cables Suffering Recovery
Four of Cables Restoration Stress
Five of Cables Sneakiness Lingering
Six of Cables Transition Unresolved
Seven of Cables Trickery Rethinking
Eight of Cables Imprisonment Freedom
Nine of Cables Anxiety Reaching Out
Ten of Cables Failure Upwards
Assistant of Cables Curiosity Deception
User of Cables Impulsiveness Unpredictability
Network of Cables Complexity, Perceptive Cruel
Programmer of Cables Discipline Manipulative